The International Symposium on Technologies in Mathematics Education (SITEM) is going to present, as parts of its activities, workshops regarding the theme of the event. Those registered in the event can sign up to participate in the workshops. Applications for Workshops will start on August 16th.
There are limited vacancies in the workshops, therefore, the filling of the vacancies happens according to the order of registration. Each participant can sign up por only 1 (one) workshop. There will be given certification for those that signed up to the workshop.
See bellow the available workshops:
Workshop 1: Does the Computational Thinking develop only with the use of the computer?
Proponents: Sueli Liberatti Javaroni, Eliel Constantino da Silva, Maria Teresa Zampieri, Pedro Henrique Giraldi de Souza and Blenda Siqueira
In this workshop we will approach and discuss the development of Computational Thinking in the Mathematics teaching and learning processes, whether through digital technological resources, such as software, or through manipulative materials such as Gold Material and Soroban, as well as the creation and programming of prototypes with robotic kits.
We intend to show and explore some projects developed that articulate Computational Thinking and Mathematical Education in teaching and learning situations developed in Basic Education by students and teachers of different disciplines such as Portuguese Language, Mathematics, History, Geography, English Language and Science, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Thus, this workshop is intended for researchers, teachers and students from Basic Education and Higher Education.
Necessary resources:
- Personal laptop with Scratch and Scratch for Arduino software installed.
-Website to download Scratch software:
- Website to download Scratch for Arduino software:
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshops, fill out the form in the link: click here
Workshop 2: Exploring GeoGebra Features and Tools for Teaching Geometry
Proponents: Bruno Leite Ferreira and Lara Martins Barbosa
The workshop on screen is intended to introduce participants to GeoGebra features and tools in addition to the basic functionalities. To do this, we select situations in the context of Geometry that allow us to explore some of the potentialities of this multiplatform software. Through this proposal, we will discuss both Geometry and the language to which it applies, in our case, the computational context of the GeoGebra environment. In this sense, the workshop is intended for people who already know the software and seek to deepen their exploration. Below we list some resources that will be explored:
- Construction of co-dependent points;
- Display/hide box and button;
- Construction of Tools;
In addition, we will introduce new technologies of GeoGebra, such as:
- Augmented Reality (GeoGebra AR);
- New GeoGebra website.
Necessary resources:
To participate to the workshop you will need to bring any equipment (laptop, tablet or smartphone) with the GeoGebra software or app installed. In this proposal, we chose to use the "GeoGebra Classic 5" version (for laptop) or any version for tablet and smartphone, all available to download at
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshop, fill out the form in the link: click here
Workshop 3: LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION: a dialogue about digital videos and the Mathematics classroom
Proponents: Neil da Rocha Canedo, Bárbara Cunha Fontes, Marcelo Batista de Souza and Maria Teresa Zampieri
The purpose of the workshop is to dialogue with Mathematics teachers, of all educational levels, regarding the pedagogical possibilities of digital videos, in Mathematics Education. This objective is based on research and extension activities that we have developed and experienced within the framework of the Research Group on Informatics, Other Media and Mathematics Education (GPIMEM), and find motivations in the educational possibilities provided by the videos. These possibilities have been highlighted in the mentioned research and extension activities, being favored by the popularization of portable digital technologies (tablets and smartphones) and the growing interest of young people and adolescents, including students of different educational levels, by the dynamics of watching, producing and sharing videos on websites like YouTube, inspired by the increasingly famous youtubers. The purpose of the mini-course is to invite the participants to reflect on the production of digital videos, understood as a pedagogical approach in Mathematics Education, as well as to provide a moment of workshop in which participants will be encouraged and oriented to produce their own digital videos.
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshop, fill out the form in the link: click here
Workshop 4: Adults and Young Adults Education and Digital Technologies
Proponents: Jonson Ney Dias da Silva, Bárbara Cunha Fontes and Kaoma Ferreira
This wokshop is about the use of digital technologies (TD) in the context of Adults and Young Adults Education (EJA), based on the importance of using such technological resources in the time we live. To do so, the workshop will be divided into three moments: in the first, the presentation of a panorama about this topic in research and official documents; then through the development of activities, will be discussed proposals for the use of TD in EJA; and finally, there will be a moment of socialization of activities experienced in the mathematics classroom of this modality. It is hoped that at the end of the workshop participants will be able to reflect on this topic, in a way, that analyze the possibilities and limitations of digital technologies in the EJA.
Necessary resources:
Mobile with apps: Simple calculator, Google Maps, Google Chrome and internet available on mobile
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshop, fill out the form in the link: click here
Workshop 5: How to choose the textbook?
Proponents: Rubia Barcelos Amaral-Schio, Alan Silva dos Santos and Liara Alves Gentil
When recognizing the importance and breadth of the use of textbooks in the support of teaching activities, it is worth mentioning some of its possible functions, among which: "to assist in the annual didactic-pedagogical planning and in the management of the classes, to favor didactic-pedagogical training; to assist in the evaluation of student learning, to favor the acquisition of pertinent professional knowledge, assuming the role of reference text" (CARVALHO & LIMA, 2010). Therefore, the choice and use of the textbook should involve, among other aspects, the affinity that the teacher identifies between the presented proposal and his didactic-pedagogical choices, besides its usefulness to extend the knowledge that he has in his area of activity (TIBURCIO ET AL., 2017).
This workshop is part of the research carried out in the field of Mathematics Education, which aims to analyze questions related to the textbook, from the National Program that legitimizes the textbooks to be used in public schools in the country, to issues related to content and to teaching practice.
The proposal is to discuss, in a practical way, the three possibilities of acting as agents in the process of production and use of the textbook: the teacher's point of view (how should the book be chosen?); of the evaluator (what do you consider in the analysis of a textbook?); and the author (how to tailor his approach and methodology to the book so that it is approved and pleases the teacher?). Regarding the reflection on these three perspectives, the practical focus will be given to the role of the teacher in the choice of the textbook.
CARVALHO, J.B.P.D.; Lima, P.F. Escolha e uso do livro didático. In: CARVALHO, J.B.P.D. Coleção Explorando o Ensino. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica 17, 2010.
TIBÚRCIO, R.; IGNÁCIO R.; BELLEMAIN, F.; LUCENA, R.; GITIRANA, V. Guia digital do PNLD: metarecurso para a escolha do livro didático. In: II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2017.
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshop, fill out the form in the link: click here
Workshop 6: Financial Education in Action, using the HP-12C
Proponent: Ana Karina Cancian Baroni and Cláudia Cristina Soares de Carvalho
Starting from practical and daily problems, we will discuss ideas related to consumption and indebtedness, financial planning and strategies for lending and application of financial resources. Financial calculations will be promoted through the use of an HP-12C mobile calculator app.
Necessary resources:
You need to download the "i Free - Touch Fin Calculator" application (RPN Financial Calculator with standard financial world resources).
Vacancies: 20
To enroll in the workshop, fill out the form in the link: click here
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